Corpus Christi CWL


Corpus Christi CWL has a membership with wide and varied interests. Check the other pages and our calendar for some ideas as to the kinds of things we do. We are sure that there is something that will meet your interests. We welcome all women 16 years of age and older. Please join us - participate as much or as little as you wish and are able!

All members of Corpus Christi CWL are asked to subscribe to this site.


Here is how:

  1. If you have not already done so, register with InfoMall and select your user name and password.
  2. You will then be sent an automated email to confirm your registration. Click once on the link in the email.
  3. After your registration is confirmed, click on the Subscribe button in the upper right area of this page.

After that, you will get an email notice when we update information on the website. Just click on the link in the email to open the item. It is an easy way to stay informed.

Our Membership fees for 2024 are $38 / person.

Our per capita fees to other levels of the League are:  National $25.00
  National Insurance .50
  Provincial 6.00
  Diocesan 4.00
  Calgary Region ~.50
  Total $36.00

Methods of remittance:

Every member of the CWL is required to have a signed agreement to model code of conduct (signed agreement) on file in the Parish Office.

National Bursary Fund


In 1988, the League received two generous donations in response to the call for lay formation in Pope John Paul II’s Exhortation, Christifideles Laici. In light of the expressed desire of the League to encourage members’ service “For God and Canada”, the national executive agreed by motion that these donations be used to establish a bursary fund.

The bursary fund is used to provide financial assistance to members needing it to pursue studies, courses, seminars, workshops and diploma/degree programs in areas of

Courses must be pursued in Canada.


  1. A member may apply in her third consecutive year of service and any year thereafter.
  2. Applicants must demonstrate an active involvement in pastoral services and be prepared to serve the church in their province, diocese or parish.
  3. Programs may be taken prior to bursary acceptance, but must be taken within one year following acceptance.
  4. For more information, see the application form


Bishop O'Byrne Scholarship

BISHOP PAUL O’BYRNE SCHOLARSHIPS are offered to members in the Calgary diocese who want to learn more about their Catholic faith and enhance their ability to be a tangible benefit to the League.

Calgary Diocesan Council created the scholarship to commemorate Bishop O’Byrne’s 25th Jubilee as Bishop of Calgary. Members can apply for up to $1000 for a course taken in the year preceding or following the May 31st deadline. 

The criteria for applying for this scholarship are:

  1. The applicant must be an active C.W.L. member in good standing.
  2. A letter to the scholarship committee shall be submitted on behalf of the applicant and signed by the council president.
  3. This scholarship has been set up to help the members of the C.W.L. further her knowledge of the Catholic faith which in turn will enhance her ability to participate in and be of tangible benefit to the League.
  4. Application deadline is May 31st. A member may apply for the funds for a course taken in the year preceding or for a course to be taken in the year following that May 31st deadline.
  5. A successful applicant shall be eligible to apply again after three years.
  6. Proof of registration or completion of course must be provided.
  7. A special committee will be set up for the purpose of selecting a recipient(s) for the annual scholarship from the applications received. The selection committee will be made up of the Diocesan President, Past Diocesan President, one of the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees, and two other Diocesan executive members.
  8. Notification to the recipient(s) of the scholarship funds will go out by August 31st of each year. All applicants will receive notice of the final result of the committee’s selection.
  9. In the event no applications are received or the applicant(s) do not meet the criteria set out in the guidelines, the scholarship will not be awarded for that year.

For the application form and submission details, see the Diocesan website at