Corpus Christi CWL
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New Year’s Day Mass

We close out the Christmas octave with a day to honour Mary as the Mother of God.

Gospel Reflection

The Manger. The shepherds find Jesus, not in a crib, but in a manger, a feedbox for cattle. This image reminds us that he is indeed food for us now – Body and Blood in Communion. Let us also be amazed.

  • What continues to amaze me about Jesus’ gift of himself?
  • How can I glorify and praise God this day and this new year?
  • What mercy work can I do to help those in need of shelter?
    (Source: Diocese of Springfield)

Resources for children: Solemnity of Mary

World Day of Peace

January 1 is also the World Day of Peace. Every year on January 1, the Holy Father marks the World Day of Peace with a special message inviting all people to reflect on the important work of building peace. Each year has a specific theme chosen by the Holy Father. To read the latest World Day of Peace message, visit this link

Prayer for peace in our communities
Prayer for Peace of Pope Francis
Prayer of the Faithful for the Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities