HomeShare Canada


Evaluations and studies of homeshare programmes

The 2019-2021 Washington state legislature directed the University of Washington School of Public Health to study and develop a report on homesharing of privately owned residencies, to serve as a strategy to reduce housing instability by increasing the supply of low-cost rentals. As defined by the National Shared Housing Resource Center, homesharing is where two or more people share a home to their mutual benefit. The legislative proviso language required an analysis of homeshare programs across the country and similar initiatives in Washington state. The idea was to learn more about barriers, successes, best practices and policies; UW analysts were charged with making recommendations to establish and sustain homeshare programs in Washington. 

Homeshare matchmaking organizations have developed best practices to help home seekers and home providers to make arrangements to meet each other’s needs. In fact, homesharing tackles two problems at once—assisting middle class people to hold on to their homes while extending vacant bedrooms to those who might otherwise fall into homelessness. Homesharing has many positive health and housing benefits, as well; researchers report homesharing arrangements help people financially, can meet caretaking needs, and offer social support. Homeshare organizations now use software, insurance, banking and other products from partner organizations (e.g., Silvernest or Zillow). Still, homeshare matchmaking and case work is labor-intensive, and successful organizations seem to max out at about 300 matches a year. Further, there is not a national norm or cultural expectation for homesharing, which would help advance this solution as a housing stability solution.   Read the report at (June 2021) Social Determinants of Health

Business models for homeshare programmes reports on the findings of a HI survey of 48 programmes in 11 countries. It covers business models used (for profit/not for profit), geographic spread, use of paid staff and volunteers, fees payable and other issues. See hirag-fact-sheet-1-business-models-2016

Improving lives and communities by bringing Vermonters together to share homes gives a comprehensive picture of the positive impact of homeshare in Vermont, U.S.A.

An evaluation of homeshare pilot programmes in W Sussex, Oxon and Wilts 2010 by Jane Coffey, Oxford Brookes University

Homeshare Victoria Economic Evaluation by Ben Carstein, 2003

Helping older people choose the right home for them by UK charity EAC First Stop (2012) has an interesting analysis of the costs and benefits of homeshare for householders and homesharers (see page 6)


Loneliness and why it matters

We are suffering from an epidemic of loneliness and it’s not just a private sorrow, it’s a public health risk.

In October 2018 the British Government announced a strategy for tackling loneliness after what is probably a global first, the appointment (back in January 2018) of a Minister for Loneliness. Loneliness shot up the public agenda in the wake of a high-profile government commission and growing research evidence that loneliness is costing the nation billions of pounds annually because of its impact on health. It seems that loneliness is as bad for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and is even more dangerous for our life chances than obesity. It has a particularly high impact on the risks of heart disease, depression and dementia.

It’s not particularly surprising to find that loneliness is a major issue among older people as many of them live alone. An Age UK study showed that 1.2 million older people are chronically lonely (about 10 per cent of the age group) and two-fifths of the age group say that television is their main source of company. But it is surprising to learn that young people aged 16- 24 are the loneliest of all. It goes to show that having hundreds of friends on Facebook is no substitute for real connection.

People who run homeshare programmes have always seen companionship as one of the main benefits of homesharing. Everyone involved has seen how householders flourish when they are paired with a suitable homesharer and some have documented the impact on their health. We recall a case study from Australia of an elderly man living alone who was so concerned about his health that, in the space of one year, he visited the emergency department of his local hospital no fewer than 51 times. Then he was paired up with a young homesharer – and his medical crises simply vanished. No doubt you know of similar stories.

It’s time for us all to start shouting about what homesharing is saving the public purse in costs to the health service – a fact to mention when applying for funding.

We are pleased to see that in Australia, Fiona Patten, a Victoria MP, is arguing that Australia too needs to act to end the personal sadness and public cost of loneliness. One tenth of the country’s population experiences social isolation. Meanwhile in France, postal workers are at the frontline, spending time with isolated older people under a new initiative called Veiller sur mes parents (‘Watch over my parents’). This is a paid-for service that recognizes that the postman/woman is someone we probably know already and trust completely.

Read more

A connected society: a strategy for tackling loneliness – laying the foundations for change, HM Government, 2018

Background reading and links to other sources: see Campaign to End Loneliness,

Loneliness more likely to affect young people:

‘Loneliness minister’ proposed to tackle Australian social isolation: – sponsored by the AARP, this USA programme aims to reduce isolation among older people. It lists homesharing as a potential solution


A Canadian paper, Seniors: Loneliness and Social Isolation reviews recent understandings of loneliness and social isolation among older adults, while at the same time outlining distinguishing characteristics. It also explores the prevalence of social isolation and loneliness in older adults and some potential risk factors that may increase an individual’s loneliness and/or social isolation.

Full Report (PDF) This paper is being used at Queen’s University and University of Toronto


Ageing in the UK

[img]I would like to introduce our latest report Ageing in the UK Now which is a summary of some of the key research and developing practice relevant to the UK’s ageing sector, and also matching these against the wider political and social agenda.
I emphasize that this is very much an introduction to this area: a snapshot of what is going on. It can be used as a helpful beginning to exploring topics that are relevant to the field of ageing. You might also find the bibliography and compendium of resources helpful.
We are planning to grow and expand on this opening review and update it on a continuing basis. We are exploring how best to do this in respect of a format and schedule. We will be in contact with you to update you on what we produce in due course.
In the meantime if you have any feedback this would be very welcome and if you require any more information about our work please do not hesitate to contact me or my colleagues at BJF.
To download the report go to our website: or for a printed copy Email:
All best wishes
Colin Hann
Executive Chair
Beth Johnson Foundation

For information on additional resources from Homeshare programs throughout world, please see the Homeshare International website.

World Health

The World Health Organization recognizes HomeShare as a "best practice" for age-friendly communities. See the Global Database of Age-friendly Practices for more details.

Dimensions of Solidarity

Prof Mariano Sánchez, University of Granada & Penn State University, presented at the 2013 World Homeshare Congress in Oxford, England. See his presentation materials and read the original research paper, "Much More than Accommodation in Exchange for Companionship: Dimensions of Solidarity in an Intergenerational Homeshare Program in Spain".


Cette étude est publiée par la Société d'habitation du Québec. Elle a été réalisée en octobre 2004 par Marie-Noëlle Ducharme. L'édition actuelle a été produite sous la coordination de François Renaud de la Société d'habitation du Québec. Cette publication est offerte sur le site Internet de la Société d'habitation du Québec Pour desrenseignements additionnels,on peut s'adresser au Centre de documentation de la Société d'habitation du Québec.

Québec: 418 646-7915
Montréal: 514 873-9612
Ailleurs au Québec: 1 800 463-4315

Société d'habitation du Québec

Aile Saint-Amable,3e étage
1054, rue Louis-Alexandre-Taschereau
Québec (Québec) G1R5E7