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SAGA Porcelain Workshop
Time:9:30am - 2:30pm
Location:7003 Hunterbow Cr. NW
Calgary, AB

Come and explore the fine art of porcelain painting in this two-day workshop.

Since this is a beginner seminar, and to save time during the workshop, some early stages will be prepared in advance.  When you register, it is important that you specify which pieces you want to paint because the ornaments need to be poured, cleaned and fired prior to the workshop. Ornament A also requires glazing and a second fire before painting. The process of creating the ornaments from raw porcelain slip to finished product will be explained during the workshop.

The workshop fee includes any two pieces. Additional tiles / ornaments may be pre-ordered for $10 each.

Registration Deadline: October 10, 2024

For more information and to register, go to