The Trading Post - Employment - Seeking

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Seeking - Employment
I guess this is where I get to brag about myself.

I'm a Jack-of-All-Trades. I've been involved in Customer service throughout my entire career. I'm well spoken and understand almost every accent. I'm organized and know the importance of keeping accurate records. I've driven truck for 24 years and I've had to use both of these skills to navigate through the transportation industry. I started in dispatch and worked my way through to managerial positions and back to behind the wheel. I prefer "front-line" customer contact. My friendly and outgoing personality has contributed to my successes. I have all of these tickets current: 1st Aid, H2S Alive, CSO/CSTS, Forklift and skid steer certification. Class 1 license. Mechanically inclined and able to repair most minor issues in passenger and commercial vehicles. I also have good working knowledge in most hand and power tools.

I am not of afraid of challenges. I face them and, if there's something I don't know, I'll ask. It's my belief there are no stupid questions if they come from ignorance.

I live in Therien which is about 25 mins to either St. Paul or Bonnyville. Should you be interested in hiring me, I will provide my resume upon request. I'm looking for local work or somewhere I can commute.

Thank you for your time.
  • David Keeley
  • Glendon, AB
  • Will travel to St. Paul
Posted: Monday, February 10 (R)
Seeking - Service rig
Looking to get on a service rig in the Bonnyville/cold lake area if any companies may hiring can provide resume if needed have some oilfield experience email text or call if you have something
  • David
  • Bonnyville , AB
Posted: Saturday, February 8 (R)

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Seeking - Looking for work
Looking for work open to offers since August of 2018 I have been doing cleaning please feel free to let me know what you have thank you and have a great day.willing to flip burgers or do dishes work as cashier willing to learn.
  • tammy
  • glendon
Posted: Tuesday, February 4 (R)